Return Man 2, the second installment of Return Man American Football series, is a really exciting and challenging game. It is know as an entertaining American football simulation. In this amazing simulation, you will control a American football player, and you will try to run the safety to the end zone by avoiding the game defenders.
After completing a level which contains 3 possessions, you will earn points. During the gameplay, you should try to get the possible highest points. At the very beginning of each level, the ball that has a yellow circle will be located on a random location, so you should be ready to catch it. You can catch the ball by running to its yellow circle. While trying to catch the ball and protect it, you should be really careful about the game defenders that are the challenges of this football simulation game, Return Man 2. If one of them catch you, you will lose the possession.
During the gameplay, you should use some football skills such as spin, front flip and speed burst if you want to overcome with the game defenders. Also, your teammates can help you about that by blocking the game defenders. In order to perform these 3 football skills, you need to press the D, S and A keys.
Moreover, you need to use 4 additional keys in order to move your American football player and make him run in this one of unblocked games. These 4 additional keys are K, J, I and L keys.